Our Team

Chantal Turcotte
Chairperson -Corporate member
École Lucien-Pagé

Darren Saunders
Vice-Chairman - Corporate member
Groupe de recherche sur la LSQ et le bilinguisme sourd, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) (Research group on LSQ and deaf bilingualism)

Caroline Hould
Secretary and Treasurer - Individual member

Martin Boucher
Corporate member
Maison des Hommes Sourds (MHS) ( House of Deaf Men)

Louis Desbiens
Individual member

Michel Desjardins
Corporate member
Association des Sourds de Lanaudière (ASL) (Lanaudière Association of the Deaf )

Josée Giroux
Corporate member
Association du Syndrome de Usher du Québec (ASUQ) (Usher Syndrome Association of Québec)

Sylvain Gélinas
Corporate member
Cinéall Production des Sourds (Cinéall production of the deaf )

Sylviane Laflamme
Corporate member
Association des personnes avec problème auditif des Laurentides (Association of people with hearing problems of Laurentides)

Julie Laroche
Corporate member
École Gadbois

Christiane Ste-Marie
Corporate member
Association des Personnes Vivant avec une Surdité de Laval (APVSL) (Association of People Living with Deafness of Laval)

Lynda Paradis, who was appointed Director of Operations – Interpreters and Dispatching, interpreters section in 2016, joined SIVET more than 20 years ago. During her tenure, she has held multiple positions, enabling her to acquire a diverse skill set and become a versatile executive. She supervises and coordinates the task-allocation team’s work. She is also responsible for managing human-resource functions as they relate to the interpreters.

Prior to joining SIVET in June 2017, Francis Roussel has acquired 15 years of administrative experience with multiple organizations in the deaf community and in public administration. He is a former high-level swimmer and has won a total of 21 medals at the Deaflympics. He is in charge of operations management for VRS. He also supervises the call centres, where he ensures the effective application of work processes.

Brigitte has been an OTTIAQ-certified interpreter since 2017 and has worked at SIVET since 2009. She was named director of quality and ethics in December 2021. In this position, she plays a support and consultancy role at SIVET, ensuring the quality of SIVET’s range of services. Brigitte’s passion for her profession and dedication to the community guide her work managing interpreter training, service quality assurance, and complaints.

François Ste-Marie joined SIVET in August 2018. In his role as a Task Allocator, François coordinates interpretation requests, allocates assignments to interpreters, and, above all, oversees LSQ-related customer service.

Debbie has been on the team since February 2021. As a task allocator, she is primarily responsible for LSQ-related customer service while coordinating interpretation requests and allocating interpreter assignments.

Mylène has been on the team since September 2021. As a task allocator, she is primarily responsible for LSQ-related customer service while coordinating interpretation requests and allocating interpreter assignments.

Louis Charron has a college diploma in Accounting and has been working at SIVET since 2016. His duties include a range of administrative and accounting tasks, which he carries out in compliance with SIVET’s established methods and procedures. He is in charge of orders and provides support to the Coordinator of Financial Information, including monitoring the timesheets submitted by the interpreting staff and preparing, processing, and monitoring invoices.

Allisa Marier
Accounting Clerk
Allisa has a DVS in Accounting and has been working at SIVET since September 2021. Her duties include various administrative and accounting tasks following SIVET’s established methods and procedures. She’s responsible for orders and supports the coordinator of financial information. Her main tasks are verifying the timesheets of the interpretation staff and preparing, updating, and following up on invoices.

Julie has been on the team since September 2021. Before working as an information officer, Julie sat on SIVET’s Board of Directors for eight years. She completed a DVS in Interior Design in 2010 and has over 15 years of work experience with a number of organizations in the Deaf community. In her role, she contributes to implementing communication strategies for producing communication tools aimed at various audiences and for their distribution.

Jean-François earned his computer programming and analysis diploma in 2001. An IT enthusiast since the age of 12, he has been broadening his experience in IT support ever since. He now has 20 years of experience in community-based organizations. Jean-François supports the team with all aspects of IT.

Michèle has an ACS in Communications and Deaf Studies and a Certificate in Visual Interpretation from UQAM. She has worked as an interpreter since 2005 and joined the SIVET team in 2008. An experienced and versatile senior interpreter, she has sat on various committees for SIVET and the interpretation profession.

Patricia joined the SIVET team in May 2021.

Daphné Bastin
Senior Interpreter
Daphné Bastin joined SIVET in May 2017.

Marc-André Beaulieu
Senior Interpreter
Marc-André Beaulieu has nearly 9 years’ experience in interpretation in schools and the social and community-based sector. He has a college certificate in Communications and Deaf Studies as well as a certificate in Visual Interpretation from UQAM. He has been working at SIVET since 2015.

Rébecca Bibeau – LSQT
Intermediate Interpreter
Rébecca has a Certificate in Visual Interpretation from UQAM and has been on the SIVET team since 2016. She is trained to provide visual and tactile interpretation services.

Nancy Boisjoli
Certified Interpreter
Nancy Boisjoli has been with SIVET since 1996 and has been the Team Leader in VRS since the launch of these services. She was also the first French – LSQ-certified legal interpreter in Quebec. Currently, she chairs the employee union.

Nathalie Borgia
Senior Interpreter
Nathalie has worked as an interpreter in Quebec City for 20 years in a range of interpretation fields and settings. She has been with SIVET since October 2018 and employed part-time since May 2021.

Yvan Boucher
Senior Interpreter
Yvan is a team leader and has a Certificate in Visual Interpretation from UQAM. He has extensive interpretation experience in various fields including healthcare, VRS, conferences, and community associations. He has worked at SIVET for nearly 25 years.

Chantal Bousquet
Senior Interpreter
Chantal Bousquet began to work as an interpreter at Cégep du Vieux-Montréal in 1986. In 1995, she joined SIVET and, from 2009 onward, has worked in language editing and French-language instruction. She returned to the team of interpreters in 2017.

Simon Charron
Senior Interpreter
Simon Charron earned a certificate in Visual Interpretation from UQAM in 2016 and has been working at SIVET since.

Farah Chebbab
Intermediate Interpreter
Farah started her position in May 2019. She is currently majoring in French-Quebec Sign Language interpretation.

Julie Couvrette
Senior Interpreter
Julie has been an interpreter in the Deaf community since 2000. She earned her ACS in Communications and Deaf Studies in 2000 and a Certificate in Interpretation in 2003. She works in schools and social and community settings.

Jennifer Côté-Wapachee
Junior Interpreter
Jennifer worked at the SRIEQ before joining the SIVET team in June 2021. She has worked in a part-time position since.

Nathalie De Roy-Bazinet – LSQT
Senior Interpreter
Nathalie is a senior-level interpreter with ten years’ experience. She is proficient in LSQ, LSQT, and oral mode. Nathalie has also completed studies in tourism.

Rosalyne De Roy-Bazinet
Intermediate Interpreter
Rosalyne has been an interpreter since 2018. She has had a full-time position with SIVET since December 2021.

Michèle Dion – LSQT
Certified Interpreter
Michèle is a certified interpreter with a Certificate in Visual Interpretation from UQAM. She has been an LSQ interpreter at SIVET since 2001, starting on-call before moving to a permanent position in 2016. She has also worked over 15 years in education, using different communication modes including LSQ, sign-supported speech, and cued speech.

Anne-Marie Dufour
Intermediate Interpreter
Anne-Marie worked at SRIL for 16 years before joining SIVET in January 2020 after SRIL dissolved.

Yvon Duteau
Certified Interpreter
Yvon Duteau is a team leader and has a certificate in visual interpretation from UQAM. Yvon Duteau has been on the team since 2003.

Lyne Gargano
Senior Interpréter
Lyne Gargano has been an interpreter for nearly 30 years and has acquired solid experience in several areas in her field. She is in charge of part of SIVET’s mentorship and professional development activities. She also ensures cohesion among interpreters assigned to conferences and participates in initiatives designed to raise awareness about her profession.

Karine Gauthier
Intermediate Interpreter
Karine Gauthier graduated of the certificate in Visual Interpretation from UQAM in April 2019 and received the Best Interpretation Award from her cohort. She joined SIVET in July 2019.

Yvan Hart
Intermediate Interpreter
Professional interpreter, Yvan Hart worked mainly in the field of vocational training before joining SIVET in June 2019.

Jean-François Isabelle
Senior Interpreter
Jean-François joined the SIVET team in 2019 as an on-call interpreter and has had a permanent position since September 2021. He is proud to be a member of the SIVET team and looks forward to continuing to contribute to its mission.

Thierry Labonté
Senior Interpreter
Thierry Labonté has many years of experience in interpretation. He is a graduate of the Certificate in Interpretation from UQAM. He became a Senior Interpreter in 2014. He is also a Team Leader for Video Relay Services (VRS).

Jerry Labrecque
Senior Interpreter
Jerry has worked at SIVET since November 2009. His work experience includes professional training.

Mervann Lacroix-Bergeron - LSQT
Senior Interpreter
Mervann joined SIVET in 2016 at 17 years old, driven by a passion for interpretation. He has since grown with the team, becoming a senior interpreter in 2019 with a full-time position since January 2020.

Francine Lapierre
Senior Interpreter
Francine has worked as an interpreter for over 24 years in the school, social and community, and legal sectors. She joined SIVET in January 2020 after SRIL dissolved.

Josianne Laplante
Junior Interpreter
Josianne began her career as a support interpreter for the Deafblind Program. She then refined her training with an ACS in Communications and Deaf Studies and a Certificate in Visual Interpretation before being hired by SRIL. She joined SIVET in January 2020, after SRIL dissolved, and continues to hone her knowledge and continue her career path as an interpreter.

Magalie Laverdure – LSQT
Intermediate Interpreter
Magalie has been with SIVET since 2002. She has a Certificate in Visual Interpretation from UQAM. Her experience includes professional training work and oral and tactile interpretation.

Léïa Martineau
Intermediate Interpreter

Céline Montpetit
Intermediate Interpreter
Céline Montpetit is currently completing training toward a certificate in Visual Interpretation program at UQAM. She began working in this field in 2008. She joined our team in September 2016.

Nancy Morin
Intermediate Interpreter
Nancy has been a full-time interpreter since 2009. She worked at SRIL for 9 years before joining SIVET in January 2020 after SRIL dissolved.

Annick Morrisson
Intermediate Interpreter
Annick has a Certificate in Visual Interpretation. She has been a permanent and on-call interpreter in various fields since 2002, such as school boards, youth centres, and the social and community sector. She worked at SRIL before joining SIVET in January 2020 after SRIL dissolved.

Lina Ouellet
Senior Interpréter
Lina Ouellet has been an interpreter for over 30 years and is well known to the community. She has also been teaching in the interpreter training program at UQAM since 2016. Her vast experience as an interpreter in the school and socio-community environment allows her to mentor our team of interpreters.

Stéphanie Proulx
Senior Interpreter
Stéphanie Proulx has been part of the movement since 2019. She has been a French-LSQ interpreter since 2016. She has both a college certificate in Communications (2016) and Deaf Studies as well as a certificate in Visual Interpretation from UQAM (2018). She is trained by SIVET as a court interpreter. She also has been trained in oral mode, oral support-signs, and pidgin.

Karolene Ratelle
Intermediate Interpreter
Karolane has an Attestation of Collegial Studies in Communications and Deaf Studies and a Certificate in Visual Interpretation. She won the jury’s choice award for her final school project. She joined the SIVET team in January 2017. In 2020, she returned to school, enrolling in UQAM’s Major in French-Quebec Sign Language Interpretation to hone her skills and consolidate her knowledge.

Lise Richard
Senior Interpreter
Lise worked at SRIL for ten years before joining the SIVET team in January 2020. She completed her Certificate in Visual Interpretation at UQAM in 2012.

Marie-France Sabourin
Senior Interpreter
Marie-France’s career over the last 15 years has been driven by her love for French and Quebec sign language. She has a Certificate in Visual Interpretation from UQAM. She worked at SRIL for 10 years before joining SIVET in January 2020 after SRIL dissolved. Marie-France has been a VRS team leader ever since.

Marc-André Saucier
Intermediate Interpreter
Marc-André joined the SIVET team as an on-call interpreter in November 2018 and has held a permanent position since December 2020. He has a Certificate in Visual Interpretation from UQAM and an ACS in Communications and Deaf Studies.

Joël St-Pierre – LSQT
Intermediate Interpreter
Joël has been an interpreter for over 22 years. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and has worked in educational settings and in the social and community field including with IRD and SIVET. You can catch him in action interpreting in LSQ, LSQT, or oral mode.

Sophie Terroir
Intermediate Interpreter
Sophie Terroir earned a certificate in Visual Interpretation from UQAM in 2018 and she is currently majoring in French-Quebec Sign Language interpretation. She joined SIVET in January 2019.

Caroline Thibault
Senior Interpreter
Caroline has been an LSQ interpreter since 1994. A senior interpreter, she has extensive experience working with a d/Deaf clientele in the social and community sector at a regional interpretation service provider (SRI), school board, college integration support centre, and at VRS since its founding in 2016. She joined SIVET in a part-time position in 2021.

David Bérubé
Junior Interpreter

Mahée Blais-Bernatchez
Intermediate Interpreter
Mahée started as an on-call interpreter with SIVET in April 2019 before taking on her full-time position on the interpretation team in July 2019. She has a Certificate in Visual Interpretation, an Attestation of Collegial Studies in Communications and Deaf Studies, and over ten years’ experience in the Deaf community including six and a half years working as a French-LSQ interpreter in the college and university sector.

Jacinthe Brideau
Junior Interpreter

Stéphanie Cavalière
Junior Interpreter
Stéphanie has been with SIVET since January 2020. She earned her ACS in Communications and Deaf Studies from Cégep du Vieux-Montréal in 2017 and a Certificate in Visual Interpretation from UQAM in 2019. She is continuing her education majoring in French-Quebec Sign Language interpretation at UQAM.

Alice Comtois-Hubert
Senior Interpreter
Alice Comtois-Hubert has been working at SIVET since June 2009. With her certificate in Visual Interpretation in hand, she continues to pursue new challenges. She looks forward to working with you!

Laurence Côté
Intermediate Interpreter
Laurence worked at SRIL for 5 years before joining SIVET in January 2020 after SRIL dissolved. She has an Attestation of Collegial Studies in Communications and Deaf Studies and a Certificate in Visual Interpretation from UQAM.

Karine Cournoyer
Junior Interpreter
Karolane has an Attestation of Collegial Studies in Communications and Deaf Studies and a Certificate in Visual Interpretation. She won the jury’s choice award for her final school project. She joined the SIVET team in January 2017. In 2020, she returned to school, enrolling in UQAM’s Major in French-Quebec Sign Language Interpretation to hone her skills and consolidate her knowledge.

Yanick François
Senior Interpreter

Roseline Gagnon
Intermediate Interpreter

Alison Gravelle
Intermediate Interpreter

Émilie Hamel
Junior Interpreter

Julie Jodoin
Junior Interpreter

Joanne Krog
Senior Interpreter
Joanne has been an interpreter for over 30 years, working in the K-12, college, and university education and social and community fields. She joined the SIVET team in June 2021.

Simon Labrecque - LSQT
Senior Interpreter
Simon has worked at SIVET since June 2006. He is trained and certified in Tactile Quebec Sign Language (LSQT).

Robin Lachapelle
Certified Interpreter

Zuemy Luna
Intermediate Interpreter
Zuemy holds an Attestation of Collegial Studies in Communications and Deaf Studies and a Certificate in Visual Interpretation from UQAM and is currently majoring in French-Quebec Sign Language interpretation. She has been with SIVET since 2018.

Michel Maheu
Senior Interpreter in oral mode
Michel worked at SRIL for 12 years before joining SIVET in January 2020 after SRIL dissolved.

Sophie Mousseau
Senior Interpreter
Sophie earned her Certificate in Visual Interpretation in 2005. She has been working in the education sector since 2004 and at SIVET since 2011. She’s also involved in the bilingual education project at Collège Esther-Blondin.

Fal Petit
Senior Interpreter
Fal has been an interpreter for SIVET since summer 2010. They have acquired varied experience over the course of their career working in the social and community, school, and arts sectors. Their experience includes working as an interpreter for a theatre troupe from 2015 to 2019.

Julie Plamondon
Senior Interpreter
Julie earned her Certificate in Visual Interpretation, sign language option, from UQAM in 1998 and has worked as an on-call interpreter at SIVET since 1995. She has also worked for many years teaching English as a second language at the secondary level.

Diane Proulx
Junior Interpreter

Karine Viau
Junior Interpreter

Suzanne Villeneuve
Certified Interpreter
In 2008, Suzanne became the first sign language interpreter certified by OTTIAQ, Quebec’s order of certified translators, terminologists and interpreters. After holding the position of director of quality and ethics for over four years, she retired and has returned to part-time interpretation.

Annik Boissonneault
Linguistic intermediary
Annik has worked in LSQ education and interpretation for over 15 years. She’s also a lecturer for the Communications and Deaf Studies program at Cégep du Vieux-Montréal and lectures at UQAM. She has worked as a linguistic intermediary at SIVET since May 2021.

Michaël Lelièvre
Linguistic intermediary
Michaël has over 30 years’ experience in the interpretation field as a Deaf interpreter-translator and instructor for the interpreter training programs at UQAM and Cégep du Vieux-Montréal. He’s also a teacher certified to work with d/Deaf students at the elementary, secondary, and college level.