
Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)

Current technology now makes this service offer possibleVRI is the perfect technology for meetings involving two or more peopleat a single site or at different sites*. VRI is an alternative to on-site interpretation and may be used in various social and community-based situations

*The number of people and physical locations may vary from one mandate to another. Please contact us to find out if we can provide optimal VRI service for your specific needs.
You want to know more about VRI? Watch our video (in French only)

How does VRI work?

The interpreter and the deaf person are located at different sites and are connected by a VRI platform. The deaf person is in the presence of one or more hearing people at his or her locationMultisite VRI, where deaf and hearing persons are located at different sites and able to communicate among one anotheris also available.

Read our descriptive guide (in French only)

To use VRI, you need:  

  • High-speed wi-fi access or an internet connection 
  • A computer (equipped with a video camera, microphone, and speaker), tablet or mobile phone 
  • A secure link supplied by SIVET to connect to the platform 

Watch our tutorial video (in French only)

The following sectors of activity are ideal for VRI use :

  • Healthcare 
  • Work and union activities 
  • Legal services 
  • Financial services 

*Services may also be provided to other sectorsTo find out more, contact SIVET. We will do everything we can to meet your needs. 

Please feel free to contact us to see if we can meet your requestPlease note that interpretation fees are never invoiced to deaf, hard of hearing or deaf/blind personsOrganizations, businesses, and government departments are responsible for providing these services to the population as a whole, including the deaf, hard of hearing and deaf/blind community. 

Contact us